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The Benefits of Photography as a Creative Outlet

    I feel a bit odd labeling myself as a “creative.” Not because I don’t believe I am one, but because deep down, we’re all wired with a dose of creativity. It’s a skill that we all carry, helping us solve puzzles in our everyday lives, from the simplest to the most mind-boggling challenges.

    Of course, I know that in the world we live in to label someone as a “creative” implies that is someone who most probably works with content creation, be it an influencer, a designer, or a person that belongs to the artsy crowd— musicians, painters, actors.

    Being a photographer, I include myself in this category of creators, and even though my work of choice involves a lot of creative activities, I also see the importance of it as just a hobby. Because we all need that time off, only doing things that please us, and research has shown that having a creative outlet can work wonders for our mental and emotional health.

    If you are into photography like me, I would say you’re on the right track. Other options, like doodling or painting, can work too, but for me, there’s nothing like photography to get that foggy head cleared out.

    It’s easy too. After all, most of us have a smartphone with a camera in our pockets the majority of the time. You can’t even come up with the excuse that first, you need to go to the paper store and buy some pencil and paper, or that you need to pick an instrument to do it.

    It is a stress buster

    Building a business can be very stressful. Since I’m at the beginning of this journey, I spend most of my days doing research, brainstorming, studying, planning how to expand my portfolio, pitching clients, the list goes on. Even though I’m trying to turn a passion into a business, there are moments when I feel overwhelmed and stressed.

    One from my latest random photo walks at the beach.

    When this happens, I know it’s time to grab my camera and go out. No agenda, no business strategies—just me and my lens, capturing whatever catches my eye. Sometimes, I come back with breathtaking shots; other times, they’re just ok. And you know what? That’s perfectly fine. What matters is how it makes me feel. Every snap feels like lifting a ton of bricks off my shoulders. I feel lighter and usually shift my perspectives around whatever struggles were going on in my head.

    It is almost like I’m in a meditative state. And with a clear mind, comes the flow of fresh ideas – and as I write this I just realized that I need to do it ASAP.

    A white canvas for self-expression

    Last year, I had this idea. I wanted to create an image of a human body turning into sand. But I didn’t know how to execute it. I marinated the idea for a while, and it started to take another shape. Now, instead of the sand, it would be a forest or something similar, like a leafy tree, sweeping over my body to absorb it back.

    The image above is the result. I had a lot of fun creating it, and I even recorded a video documenting the entire process, from conception, and editing, to the final image. It’s by far my best work from 2023, and I even got selected for an international exhibition in Rome this year (2024), by Loosen Art Gallery. I was stoked by it!

    Despite being very happy with this achievement, this was never the intention. When the whole idea for the image came to my mind, I was dealing with a delicate set of emotions. I had recently lost someone very important to me and was figuring out my mind through the grief. So I created this image for myself. It served as a lifeline to go through a hard time and as a reminder of how I rather see the beauty that lies in the nature of death.

    I love photography not just because it’s cool (which it totally is). Who hasn’t scrolled through Instagram, stumbled upon a jaw-dropping nature shot, and thought, “Damn, I wish I took that”?. Because let’s face it, photos can be extremely sexy and captivating. And from a business standpoint, that’s gold.

    But even if my photos got zero likes and went unnoticed, I’d still be behind the lens. Because for me, photography is more than just numbers:

    It’s my sanctuary for self-expression;

    It’s my stress-relief valve;

    And it’s the therapy for my mind and soul

    Okay, I may have sounded a bit spiritual there, but it’s the truth. Photography isn’t just my business; it’s my lifeline, my go-to creative outlet. And I highly recommend it to everyone.

    So, what’s your creative outlet?

    Drop a comment below and let’s chat!

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